Day 6 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Going back down there to New Zealand: 1400 level crossings








that is the question ?


The answer is KIWIRAIL

and Chris Cairns Foundation: and

The Chris Cairns Foundation was initiated in 2006 by former New Zealand International Cricketer Chris Cairns, whose sister Louise was killed whilst a passenger on board a train in 1993 when a cement truck failed to stop at a level crossing.

They aim to raise public awareness of the responsibility each and everyone has when approaching level crossings on New Zealand’s rail network. Through public awareness and education campaigns, our aim is to reduce loss of life, harm and suffering for the victims of rail accidents.

They supported ILCAD 2010 and 2011. They even made a video for ILCAD 2010:


They participated jointly with KiwiRail in a new nationwide awareness campaign “National Rail Safety Week” in August – and it is the trains in the big cities that will be carrying the message “Stay Clear. Stay Safe.”

In Auckland and Wellington two train carriages will carry a graphic rail safety image.

They launched also recently a brand new website on rail safety including level crossing safety:

See you tomorrow hoping you are not dizzy coming up and down the globe!

Day 5 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s go to Belgium: 1902 level crossings.

The ILCAD 2010 International Press Conference was held at the European Commission in Brussels on 22 June 2010 see















Apart from statistics, there are many sad stories around, horrible accidents that happened at level-crossings and affected us directly or indirectly. It is time now to put our knowledge, capacities and willingness together and make the difference!” said Eva Molnar, Director Division of Transport, UNECE.

INFRABEL, the Belgium Infrastructure Railway Manager organised also a press conference on a national level on that day at a dedicated level crossing in the near suburbs of Brussels with the media (written press, local and national tv channels, radio). 

That’s all folks see you tomorrow.


Day 4 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Participation of Georgia to ILCAD 2011 through “Partnership for road safety

The “Partnership for Road Safety” is a non-profit organization that promotes road safety through education and advocacy. It has been established in 2006 in Georgia with support of the FIA Foundation and national organizations.

The Partnership manages and supports a local program of activities promoting road safety and sustainable mobility, as well as funding road safety research. Foster the development of new road safety culture in Georgia.

The goal of the partnership is to reduce crashes on Georgia roads and support elaboration of the national road safety strategy. It aims the growing trend of road traffic accidents by using experience and success stories of other countries and through active collaboration between public institutions, civil society and the private sector.

Publication of our press release on version in English version in Georgian

Have a nice sunday!



Day 3 ILCAD Advent Calendar

India has a huge railway network : 65 000 km ; 32694 level crossings.

Banner made for ILCAD and posted at different level crossings in India in June.

LX Accidents are constantly descreasing because of the suppression of level crossings and organisation of awareness campaigns.

Indian Railways carry out intensive social awareness campaigns, on a regular basis, among others ILCAD in 2010 and 2011 to educate road users. This includes adversiting campaigns through various media like newspapers, TV, radio etc., distribution of posters, leaflets, various short duration films/advertisements even in local languages prepared by the Regional Railways to aware and educate the road users and pedestrians about the care to be taken while crossing  unmanned level crossings.

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) directed all Indian Railways to launch seven days long drive specially targeting safety at unmanned level crossings on 9th June, 2011.

In May 2011 the UIC organised the first ever international contest for children on level crossing safety at the occasion of ILCAD held on 9 June 2011. 400 drawings were received within only 2 weeks from various countries such as India.

These are drawings from 2 Indian winners, brother and sister aged 8 and 9.

1st Prize (category 8-11 years)

3rd Prize (category 8-11 years)

Have a nice week end, see you tomorrow!

Day 2 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Australia, a huge country with 23 500 level crossings.

Kangaroo Full RightLet’s start our World Tour of ILCAD supporters.

We’ll talk today about Australia with TrackSAFE a just born star in the safety environment. The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) published a press release dated 22nd November on the birth of TrackSAFE: which is the first national rail safety Foundation focusing on four key areas: railway level crossing safety, trespass, suicide on the rail network, and the resultant trauma of three factors on rail industry staff. “ARA is calling for a collective effort involving the rail industry, road authorities, and health and education experts to tackle the issues and develop strategies that will work”. (see also

TrackSAFE will be officially launched in March at ARA Rail Safety Conference. We wish them good luck.

ARA supported ILCAD in June 2010 and 2011: “The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) is very pleased to welcome International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) in its second year.
ARA CEO, Mr Bryan Nye, expressed his support for the initiative. “It is an accomplishment to have so many countries and organisations working together for the common goal of improved railway level crossing safety. An international approach to level crossing safety is absolutely vital. This is a problem that faces countries all over the world, and hence we should work together wherever we can to improve railway level crossing safety”.

We would like to thank them again very much for their support.

ARA ( and RISSB ( organised also their national rail safety week in August to improve safety and awareness around railway level crossings:

Australia was the centre of the rail safety world in October with the International Railway Safety Conference (IRSC) held in Melbourne:

And finally we would to thank also Terry Spicer for his very interesting and supportive RLX newsletters. RLX Safety specialises in strategy development, policy, planning, rail
safety, human factors, and risk management, related to all facets of
both road and pedestrian level crossing safety:

That’s all folks, see you tomorrow.