2ème concours UIC de dessins pour enfants sur la sécurité aux passages à niveau lancé

L’UIC a l’intention d’organiser le 2ème concours international de dessins d’enfants sur les passages à niveau à l’occasion de la campagne internationale de sensibilisation sur les dangers des passages à niveau (International Level Crossing Awareness Day = ILCAD) qui aura lieu le 7 juin 2012.

Le concours est ouvert à tous les enfants (qu’ils soient les enfants des collègues travaillant à la DG UIC ou les enfants du personnel des compagnies membres de l’UIC) par tranche d’âges comme suit 4-7, 8-12 ans.

Bien sûr les dessins doivent être réalisés à la main, cependant il serait vivement apprécié de les scanner, d’envoyer l’original sous forme électronique dans un fichier en haute définition en cliquant sur ce lien http://www.ilcad.org/Kids-Corner,149.html (attention il y a un formulaire par catégorie d’âge):

La date limite d’envoi des dessins : 10 mai 2012.

Les dessins seront jugés à Paris, à la DG UIC et les résultats pour les meilleurs dessins seront communiqués fin mai 2012. Les meilleurs dessins seront bien entendu récompensés par un prix qui sera communiqué ultérieurement. Ils seront également téléchargés sur le site ILCAD www.ilcad.org avant la campagne internationale qui aura lieu le 7 juin 2012 et utilisés au cours de la campagne et dans des événements sur les passages à niveau.

Pour plus d’infos sur le concours 2011 cliquez sur ce lien: http://www.uic.org/com/uic-e-news/240

Vous pouvez voir les dessins gagnants 2011 en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessous:

A vos crayons !

ILCAD 2012: Reserve la fecha del 7 de junio de 2012 en todo el mundo

Reserve la fecha del 7 de junio de 2012

La motivación de esta campaña es un contraste flagrante con las demás estadísticas sobre el impacto de la circulación ferroviaria: los accidentes en los pasos a nivel producen un número inaceptable de muertos y heridos. A ojos de muchos, se trata de un problema ferroviario, mientras que en la mayoría de los casos tales accidentes son imputables a comportamientos inadecuados de los peatones y de los usuarios de las carreteras. Las conferencias organizadas sobre el tema muestran que, a falta de poder cerrar todos los pasos a nivel, el único medio real de reducir el número de accidentes es la educación, que permite crear conciencia entre las personas sobre los riesgos y las consecuencias de sus comportamientos cuando no cumplen con el Código de la Circulación.

Con el eslogan “Act safely at level crossings” o “Los pasos a nivel, una prioridad vital”, la comunidad ferroviaria junto con un número creciente de organismos del sector vial, la Comisión Europea y la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (UNECE) ha lanzado la campaña ILCAD para aumentar la conciencia de los peatones y los usuarios de las carreteras sobre los riesgos que se corren en los pasos a nivel, incitándolos a modificar sus comportamientos. Más de 40 países se han comprometido ya en la operación ILCAD a la cual puede usted sumarse gratuitamente, puesto que toda la acción se adelanta sobre una base estrictamente cooperativa.

Habida cuenta del éxito de las ediciones de 2009, 2010 y 2011, la fecha inicial fijada para la ILCAD 2012 (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) es el 7 de junio de 2012.

No vacile en unirse a nosotros para ayudar a la comunidad ferroviaria a reducir el nivel de riesgos que enfrentamos en los cruces de la vía férrea y la carretera.

Para mayores informaciones favor acudir a la Coordinadora de la ILCAD:

Sra. Isabelle FONVERNE

Jefe de Proyectos, Seguridad e Interoperabilidad


16 rue Jean Rey – F-75015 Paris

Tel +33 (0)1 44 49 20 91

Fax +33 (0)1 44 49 20 99





Para mayores informaciones sobre la campaña anterior, favor consultar la página:


ILCAD: Réservez la date du 7 Juin 2012 dans le monde entier

Cette campagne est motivée par un constat flagrant:

contrastant avec les autres statistiques sur l’impact des

circulations ferroviaires, les accidents aux passages à niveau

sont à l’origine d’un nombre inacceptable de tués et de

blessés. Dans l’esprit de beaucoup, il s’agit d’un problème

ferroviaire, alors que, dans la majorité des cas, ces accidents

sont imputables à un comportement inadapté des usagers de

la route et des piétons. Les conférences organisées sur ce

sujet montrent qu’à défaut de pouvoir fermer tous les passages

à niveau, le seul moyen réel de réduire le nombre d’accidents

est le levier de l’éducation qui permet de sensibiliser les gens

aux risques et aux conséquences de leur comportement s’ils

ne respectent pas le code de la route.

Sous le slogan “Act safely at level crossings” ou “Aux passages

à niveau, priorité à la vie”, la communauté ferroviaire, en

collaboration avec un nombre croissant d’organismes du

secteur routier, la Commission européenne et la Commission

économique des Nations-Unies pour l’Europe (UNECE), lance

la campagne ILCAD pour sensibiliser davantage usagers de la

route et piétons aux risques encourus aux passages à niveau

et les inciter à modifier leurs comportements. Plus de 40 pays

à travers le monde se sont engagés jusqu’à présent dans

l’opération ILCAD. Vous pouvez adhérer gratuitement à cette

initiative, étant donné que l’ensemble de l’action est menée sur

une base purement collaborative.

Compte tenu de la réussite des éditions 2009, 2010 et 2011, la

date de principe retenue pour l’ILCAD 2012 (International

Level Crossing Awareness Day) est le 7 juin 2012.

N’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre pour aider la communauté

ferroviaire à réduire le niveau de risque auquel nous sommes

confrontés à la croisée des chemins rail/route.

Pour plus d’informations contacter svp la

coordinatrice ILCAD :

Mme Isabelle FONVERNE

Chef de Projets, Sécurité et Interopérabilité



16 rue Jean Rey – F-75015 Paris

Tel +33 (0)1 44 49 20 91

Fax +33 (0)1 44 49 20 99






Pour plus d’informations sur la campagne

précédente, consulter svp le site dédié :


ILCAD: Save the date of 7 June 2012 worldwide

This campaign proceeds from an uncomfortable statistic: compared to other areas of railway operations, too many people die or are injured in accidents at level crossings. However, though the majority of these are due to misuse by motorists and pedestrians, the popular misconception is that these fatal accidents are a railway problem. Conferences on the issue show that the only really effective way to decrease the number of accidents, short of closing all level crossings, is education, highlighting the risks and making people aware of the potential consequences if they do not follow the simple rules of the road.

Running under the motto “Act safely at level crossings”, the railway community has established the ILCAD campaign in conjunction with a small but growing number of road sector organisations, the European Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), in order to raise awareness among road users and pedestrians of the risks at level crossings and to change their behaviour. More than 40 countries around the world have previously been engaged in ILCAD. You can join free of charge as all activity is on a purely collaborative basis.

Building on the successes of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 campaigns, the ILCAD 2012 (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) will focus on the principle date: 7 June 2012.

So join us and help the railway community to reduce this level of operational risk that we face at the interface with the road sector.

For more information on the past campaign: please visit the dedicated website: http://www.ilcad.org or contact: fonverne@uic.org

Tel +33 (0)1 44 49 20 91

Fax +33 (0)1 44 49 20 99







Day 25 ILCAD Advent Calendar


Save the date for 2012, be part of it, contact www.uic.org ; www.ilcad.org ; facebook.com/ilcad ; http://twitter.com/#!/ilcad

Christmas video:  http://youtu.be/YZlDaUUpsNo

Building on the successes of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 campaigns, the ILCAD 2012 (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) will focus on the principle date: 7 June 2012.

So join us and help the railway community to reduce this level of operational risk that we face at the interface with the road sector.

Nothing to do with level crossing safety but I wanted to share this wonderful and very emotional video for Christmas. Merry Christmas to and your family.

Day 24 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s go to South Africa: 1168 level crossings.

Only African country were ILCAD was represented.

What to say about this country rich in landscapes, animals, … centre of the world lately for the football world cup.


Johannesburg football stadium





Nelspruit football stadium






Cape Town football stadium




When you travel to South Africa you have to see the BIG FIVE which refers to African lions, elephants, leopards, rhinos, and Cape buffalo. But there are plenty other beautiful animals to admire.















But there are not only football stadiums and animals but also many level crossings in South African cities and in the countryside, the road infrastructure is also very wide. As a matter of fact railways, railway regulators, road and rail safety authorities and infrastructure managers and finally non profit organisations promoting safety education like “ARRIVE A LIVE” deploy a lot of efforts improving safety on their roads and tracks and particularly at the interface of road and rail.












Our contacts in South Africa are Railways Africa – magazine and online news portal – for Rail News throughout the African Continent : http://www.railwaysafrica.com/



and Transnet Freight Rail see their safety campaign on 9 June 2011 during ILCAD

Tonight we are about to celebrate Christmas. Are you excited to discover what will be tomorrow! Then come back tomorrow and visit us for the last day of this worldwide Advent  Calendar.

I wish you a merry Christmas !





























































Day 23 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s go to Serbia: 2354 level crossings

View from the Belgrad Castle











The Serbian Railways started to participate in ILCAD in June 2010.

Educational public classes were held in 5 towns in Serbia at the busiest level crossings in BELGRADE, NIS, LAPOVO, SREMSKI KARLOVCI and RUMA.
The representatives of the media center gave information material to all traffic participants.












Series of lectures including multimedia  presentations with educational and entertaining purposes were organised for school children to explain them how to behave at level crossings.
Mascot chosen by the Serbian Railways

Finally the Serbian Railways made a poster and a video

Day 22 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s go to Croatia that participated in ILCAD for the first time: 1515 level crossings





Dubrovnik classified in the UNESCO world heritage, restaurated with red tiles coming from France


 Blue lagoons in Croatia, beautiful landscapes!









The ILCAD campaign took place at four level crossings in the four biggest Croatian towns (Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka Split). Some Croatian celebrities participated in the campaign together with the Croatian Railways and Police representatives. Safety messages were broadcast on local radio stations and on the national radio station, plus on on the national and local TV stations.

Distribution of safely leaflets and communication materials at level crossings.










Examples of communication materials distributed to pedetrians and drivers







For the last 11 years HŽ have been conducting preventive and educational activities to raise awareness among all traffic participants.  Education and prevention activities take place at level crossings, at elementary schools, and through Media (advertising and PR campaigns).

Campaign: if Superman can wait, you can wait.










Leaflet 2011

Finally the daughter of a Croatian Railways employee won the first prize in the category 4 to 7 years in the  1st international ILCAD drawing contest for children.

Day 21 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s continue our trip back to Europe: Portugal with 1107 level crossings


Belem Tower

REFER the railway infrastructure manager in Portugal is one our ILCAD partners.



Details of Belem Tower









Lisbon’s Rossio Central Station in Lisbon

Since 2005 REFER has managed to reduce the number of level crossings by 50%. The number of accidents has reduced by 2/3 since 1999 (150 in 1999, 40 in 2010) due to to level crossings being removed or upgraded. Nevertheless even if engineering can always be improved, enforcement and education are also to be stressed jointly. REFER organised their first awareness campaign in 2009 (through ELCAD). REFER published the “Green Book” in 2010 which is the result of public enquiries related to level crossing awareness campaigns.

Press conference in King’s room at Rossio Station on ILCAD Day





example of poster for ILCAD







Examples of a REFER press book made for ILCAD and the REFER Livro Verde in which you may find results of a public enquiry, analysis and conclusions on level crossing safety issues.


Flyer distribution at chosen level crossings


International poster for ILCAD





Many Portuguese children participated also in the 1st UIC International Drawing contest on level crossing safety.

4th prize in the category 4-7 years.



5th Prize in category 8-11 years





6th Prize in category 8-11 years





3rd prize in the category 16-18 years.








REFER organised also a drawing contest for children in Portugal






Day 20 ILCAD Advent Calendar

Let’s go outside Europe to Israël with a very little number of level crossings: 88

The Israel Railways have been very active in the different ILCAD  campaigns developping communication through media and newspapers, publishing ads and slogans on radio related to safe behavior at level crossings in cooperation with the Israeli Road Safety Authority, the Police, the Ministry of Transport.

They published also safety messages on the Israel Railways Internet Site: http://www.rail.co.il/EN/Safety/Pages/ILCAD.aspx




Press conferences and sessions for youngsters to enable them to ask questions.






Opening ceremony of a real level crossing on a playground for children.

Simulation of a real situation whereby the children must be patient while waiting at a railroad crossing, just as a vehicle or a rider.



Education of children because they represent hope for the future and may deliver the safety message to their immediate surroundings as well.




Activity conducted in collaboration with the farmers.

“Shavuot between the Moshavot” Community holiday with above 1000 persons with agricultural machines and musical event for all the family


Activity that took place in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the local authority for youths


Activity conducted in collaboration with bike riders and all-terrain vehicles





Advertising banners and clip of Awareness Day on websites of all bodies involved.

Volunteers and the police disrtibuted safety leaflets and gifts to drivers: car sun blinds and sun shades with the slogan of the Awareness Day made by the  Israeli Rail company



Concert with the police orchestra